/* Author: Ward Truyen * Version: 1.0.0 * About: This auromaticly adds the other terminal extention scripts. * THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT WORK FOR A BROWSER-ADDON/EXTENTION! */ {// this code block hides the variables below from other scripts. const addScripts = function() { // location of script files const extentionScripts = [ "js/termext/ext-variables.js", "js/termext/ext-cookies.js", "js/termext/ext-eval.js", "js/termext/ext-timerdebug.js", "js/termext/ext-stresstest.js", "js/termext/ext-popvar.js", "js/termext/ext-passw.js", ]; for (let ext of extentionScripts) { const element = document.createElement("script"); // element.addAttribute("src", ext); element.src = ext; document.head.append(element); } }//--> addScripts = function() { if (document.body) { addScripts(); } else { window.addEventListener("load", addScripts); } }